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NEW RELEASE: Follow Your Voice Coloring Book

Writer: Kristen LucasKristen Lucas

Updated: Jun 23, 2022

Monday, August 2nd is National Coloring Book Day!

Inspired by the award-winning short film SNOWFLAKE and the children's book series under the same name, the Follow Your Voice Coloring Book is written through the eyes of a young, introverted girl who feels like she doesn’t fit the standards for acceptability set by society — but she’s okay. School bullies try to silence her inner sound by mocking what she wears and calling her name. Even the adults around her who don’t understand the beat that moves her — but she’s okay. And why is she okay? Because she found her inner strength to be true to herself — and to follow her voice. There is no stopping her destiny to make music. While there are forces that try and oppress the creative art of music, this book provides the youth with an anthem to help build them up, and let them follow the beat of their own heart.

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